What We Do

Help Artists and Athletes navigate the halls of government learn about public policy and understand the political process.
Make A Donation
The Artists & Athletes Alliance, a not-for-profit organization, operates at the nexus of the entertainment and creative community and Washington, D.C. We provide top-line educational information to artists and athletes through one-on-one meetings, private briefings, roundtable discussions, forums and other related events on the specific public policies and issues of interest to them. Our organization prides itself on engaging in productive dialogue with lawmakers, policy experts and opinion leaders so the voices of the artistic and athletic communities can be heard on the many important issues facing our nation.

What We Do

Help Artists and Athletes navigate the halls of government learn about public policy and understand the political process.
Make A Donation
The Artists & Athletes Alliance, a not-for-profit organization, operates at the nexus of the entertainment and creative community and Washington, D.C. We provide top-line educational information to artists and athletes through one-on-one meetings, private briefings, roundtable discussions, forums and other related events on the specific public policies and issues of interest to them. Our organization prides itself on engaging in productive dialogue with lawmakers, policy experts and opinion leaders so the voices of the artistic and athletic communities can be heard on the many important issues facing our nation.

What We Do

Help Artists and Athletes navigate the halls of government learn about public policy and understand the political process.
The Artists & Athletes Alliance, a not-for-profit organization, operates at the nexus of the entertainment and creative community and Washington, D.C. We provide top-line educational information to artists and athletes through one-on-one meetings, private briefings, roundtable discussions, forums and other related events on the specific public policies and issues of interest to them. Our organization prides itself on engaging in productive dialogue with lawmakers, policy experts and opinion leaders so the voices of the artistic and athletic communities can be heard on the many important issues facing our nation.
Make A Donation

What We Do

Help Artists and Athletes navigate the halls of government learn about public policy and understand the political process.
The Artists & Athletes Alliance, a not-for-profit organization, operates at the nexus of the entertainment and creative community and Washington, D.C. We provide top-line educational information to artists and athletes through one-on-one meetings, private briefings, roundtable discussions, forums and other related events on the specific public policies and issues of interest to them. Our organization prides itself on engaging in productive dialogue with lawmakers, policy experts and opinion leaders so the voices of the artistic and athletic communities can be heard on the many important issues facing our nation.
Make A Donation

Thanking Frontline Workers:
COVID-19 Pandemic

The Artists & Athletes Alliance is most powerful when the voices of our members are heard together.
In the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Artists & Athletes Alliance wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone working on the front lines who were keeping us safe and healthy. We were honored to win top honors in the Best Video Campaign or Series – Web Series category from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for this work.
Watch On YouTube

Thanking Frontline Workers:
COVID-19 Pandemic

The Artists & Athletes Alliance is most powerful when the voices of our members are heard together.
In the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Artists & Athletes Alliance wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone working on the front lines who were keeping us safe and healthy. We were honored to win top honors in the Best Video Campaign or Series – Web Series category from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for this work.
Watch On YouTube

Thanking Frontline Workers:
COVID-19 Pandemic

The Artists & Athletes Alliance is most powerful when the voices of our members are heard together.
In the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Artists & Athletes Alliance wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone working on the front lines who were keeping us safe and healthy. We were honored to win top honors in the Best Video Campaign or Series – Web Series category from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for this work.
Watch On YouTube

Thanking Frontline Workers:
COVID-19 Pandemic

The Artists & Athletes Alliance is most powerful when the voices of our members are heard together.
In the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Artists & Athletes Alliance wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone working on the front lines who were keeping us safe and healthy. We were honored to win top honors in the Best Video Campaign or Series – Web Series category from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for this work.
Watch On YouTube

Acting As A
Gateway To Government

Navigating the Nation's Capital with assistance from Artists & Athletes Alliance.
The United States government in Washington, D.C. is a vast and complex operation with many moving parts. Knowing who to go to for the information you are seeking and understanding its significance can be a challenge. The Artists & Athletes Alliance utilizes our large network of contacts in Washington to get our members up to speed on the specific issues of importance to them. We also search for unique opportunities to get them involved with public policy initiatives.

Acting As A
Gateway To Government

Helping artists and athletes navigate the halls of government and understand the political process.
The United States government in Washington, D.C. is a vast and complex operation with many moving parts. Knowing who to go to for the information you are seeking and understanding its significance can be a challenge. The Artists & Athletes Alliance utilizes our large network of contacts in Washington to get our members up to speed on the specific issues of importance to them. We also search for unique opportunities to get them involved with public policy initiatives.

Acting As A
Gateway To Government

Helping artists and athletes navigate the halls of government and understand the political process.
The United States government in Washington, D.C. is a vast and complex operation with many moving parts. Knowing who to go to for the information you are seeking and understanding its significance can be a challenge. The Artists & Athletes Alliance utilizes our large network of contacts in Washington to get our members up to speed on the specific issues of importance to them. We also search for unique opportunities to get them involved with public policy initiatives.

Acting As A
Gateway To Government

Helping artists and athletes navigate the halls of government and understand the political process.
The United States government in Washington, D.C. is a vast and complex operation with many moving parts. Knowing who to go to for the information you are seeking and understanding its significance can be a challenge. The Artists & Athletes Alliance utilizes our large network of contacts in Washington to get our members up to speed on the specific issues of importance to them. We also search for unique opportunities to get them involved with public policy initiatives.

Navigating Washington D.C.

Our team coordinates visits to Capitol Hill, Federal government agencies, non-government organizations and foreign embassies.

Congressional Meetings

Our team sets up private meetings and briefings with Members of Congress and their senior staff.

Administration Briefings

Our team arranges background briefings by senior Administration officials on important national public policy issues.

Media Rountable

Our team schedules off-the-record roundtable discussions and briefings with high-profile members of the national media to gain a unique understanding and insight of D.C. and the political process.

Custom Updates & Notifications

Our team offers customized updates to individual members on specific public policy issues they find important.

Getting Members Involved

Our team looks for unique opportunities for our members to get involved in public policy initiatives.

Navigating Washington D.C.

Our team coordinates visits to Capitol Hill, Federal government agencies, non-government organizations and foreign embassies.

Congressional Meetings

Our team sets up private meetings and briefings with Members of Congress and their senior staff.

Administration Briefings

Our team arranges background briefings by senior Administration officials on important national public policy issues.

Media Roundtable Discussions

Our team schedules off-the-record roundtable discussions and briefings with high-profile members of the national media to gain a unique understanding and insight of D.C. and the political process.

Custom Updates & Notifications

Our team offers customized updates to individual members on specific public policy issues they find important.

Getting Members Involved

Our team looks for unique opportunities for our members to get involved in public policy initiatives.

Navigating Washington D.C.

Our team coordinates visits to Capitol Hill, Federal government agencies, non-government organizations and foreign embassies.

Congressional Meetings

Spotted! Check out our organization's image gallery, complete with photos of Artists & Athletes being active in Washington, D.C.

Administration Briefings

Our team arranges background briefings by senior Administration officials on important national public policy issues.

Media Roundtables

Our team schedules off-the-record roundtable discussions and briefings with high-profile members of the national media to gain a unique understanding and insight of D.C. and the political process.

Custom Updates & Notifications

Our team offers customized updates to individual members on specific public policy issues they find important.

Getting Involved

Our team looks for unique opportunities for our members to get involved in public policy initiatives.

Navigating Washington D.C.

Our team coordinates visits to Capitol Hill, Federal government agencies, non-government organizations and foreign embassies.

Congressional Meetings

Our team sets up private meetings and briefings with Members of Congress and their senior staff.

Administration Briefings

Our team arranges background briefings by senior Administration officials on important national public policy issues.

Media Roundtable Discussions

Our team schedules off-the-record roundtable discussions and briefings with high-profile members of the national media to gain a unique understanding and insight of D.C. and the political process.

Custom Updates & Notifications

Our team offers customized updates to individual members on specific public policy issues they find important.

Getting Members Involved

Our team looks for unique opportunities for our members to get involved in public policy initiatives.